0102 8951112
Energy Practitioners Return to Attend the “Compressed Air System Optimization” Training Session
16 - 17 Dec.

Industrial Motors Energy Efficiency Programme Team from UNIDO have collaboratively with the Ministry of Trade and Industry organized a second “Compressed Air System Optimization” training session during the 16th & 17th of December. The international consultants amplified the importance of compressed air systems to 21 participants affiliated to 10 industrial companies, 4 participants affiliated to 3 consultancy firms, and 10 individual energy experts who have attended our previous “Motors System Optimization” training session. International consultant “Albert Williams” emphasized the vitality of compressed air systems quoting: “Compressed air systems consume more than 4,000 TWH of energy per year across the globe, this is equivalent to approximately 6 trillion EGP worth of energy cost. Studies have revealed that 35% of compressed air can be saved at an average industry, with a return of investment of 81% per year. Although these systems can be overwhelming and complicated, this training program will help identify and realize these immense savings.” International consultant “Siraj Williams” added the following “The first critical challenge is to change the perception that Compressed air is only air, and air is free”
